Socialism: Utopian and Scientific: Unabridged

Written by:
Friedrich Engels
Narrated by:
George Doyle
Price: $8.99 $4.50

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
December 2017
2 hours 44 minutes
In Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (1883) Friedrich Engels explains that Marxism is scientific socialism. Engels claims that whereas utopian socialism is idealist, reflects the personal opinions of the authors and claims that society can be adapted based on these opinions, scientific socialism derives itself from reality. It focuses on the materialist conception of history, which is based on an analysis over history, and concludes that communism naturally follows capitalism. Engels begins the book by chronicling the thought of utopian socialists, starting with Saint-Simon. He then proceeds to Fourier and Robert Owen. In Chapter Two, he summarizes dialectics, and then chronicles the thought from the ancient Greeks to Hegel. Chapter Three summarizes dialectics in relation to economic and social struggles, essentially echoing the words of Marx. Artist Bio Author: Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman. He founded Marxist theory together with Karl Marx.
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Kyle J.

A classic of course - but obviously too heavy for an audio book.

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